ACADEMUS CRS-RM Response Management
Academus CRS online communication server module which manages real time responses from the ACADEMUS CR-50 virtual clickers. It supports up to 50 simultaneous online users (up to 250 in advanced configuration).
Offers a real-time monitoring display for attendance, users connected, quiz completion and student or class performance.
Operates on a Wireless LAN, does not require internet connection and the use of costly remote clickers, transmitters or receivers.
Provides online monitoring of all responses at any instant.
Allows dual screen operation, where the class sees only the Quiz page and the teacher can also see and use the administration page.
Has an option of automatic start of a quiz when all present students are connected.
Allows such parameters as timer and percentage of completion to be displayed to the students while answering a specific quiz.
The system monitors online status of every user and alerts the teacher on non-allowed performance, such as surfing the internet or using the phone or pad for other applications, away from Academus platform.