ACADEMUS CRS-QB Question Builder
Academus CRS-QB Question Builder is a module of the Academus CRS package allowing the creation of teacher/student interactive classroom quizzes using Microsoft Office PowerPoint and Word in an easy and convenient way.
The module is integrated into the Academus CRS software package. It is also offered free of charge as a CRS-iQB stand-alone application for any computer running MS Office, allowing the teacher to prepare quizzes without the use of the other Academus CRS modules. The quizzes can then be easily imported into the main Academus database structure.
Upon installation it appears as an add-in toolbar on the PowerPoint or Word main screen with a sequence of buttons which offering the teacher the capability to create an interactive quiz, set its parameters, such as correct answer, time, type of question, etc.
Quizzes are created in different formats (multiple choice, true/false, etc.), are user defined, preset and ready to use.
Correct answers must be chosen and preset with a simple click for every quiz before saving it. The system also offers a second best answer option.
Various parameters can be assigned for each question: time of response, auto start/stop, synchronization with events, etc.
Each quiz can be assigned to a Subject, Topic and Session, thus creating a teacher's quiz database that can be used any time.
You can use your own previously prepared quizzes and turn them interactive.
Saving the quiz is done by simply selecting any part of its text and pressing the Save button.
Creating a session (a file containing a number of quizzes) is done by clicking the Create button where user is prompted the procedure.
Α quiz can be saved for one or several classes and re-used as many times as needed.